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What is BIRDEE?
BIRDEE is a collaboration between Georgia Tech's School of Biology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Biologically Inspired Design (CBID), and Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC) to create socially relevant, accessible, and contextualized biologically-inspired design experiences through a research-backed curriculum intended for high school audiences.
BIRDEE's curriculum is broken into two units. Each lesson is 50 minutes long and are designed to facilitate student learning through guided inquiry. Below are images of what students learn and can build using bio-inspired design. Check out BIRDEE's Curriculum README to learn what to expect and how to navigate the curriculum!
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We would love to learn more about you! This survey will help us better understand (A) who we are serving and (B) what educators are looking to find and the expectations for visiting our content. The information that you provide will guide us to what we should develop next!
Connect with BIRDEEHave you implemented BIRDEE?
We would love to hear how it went! This survey will help us better understand (A) who we are serving and (B) how educators found the curriculum. The information that you provide will guide us to how we develop curriculum!
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