BIRDEE's lessons are 50 minutes long and are designed to facilitate student learning through guided inquiry utilizing the 5E learning cycle (Banchi and Bell, 2008). The lessons begin with BID warmups, referred to as “BID WOWs,” which illustrate how nature can be used to ground students’ thinking when applying high-level concepts of BID. Strong scaffolding is provided for learners throughout the lessons, while students appreciate an array of project and cognitive functions as they connect their ideas with personal experiences and apply their learning to new contexts.
Before you begin, read about the resources and the implementation checklist to help you navigate through the curriculum.
BIRDEE Lesson Planning
Lessons and documents are named by Unit.Week.Day. for easy access and to help sequence materials.
Ex: Lesson 1.1.1. is Unit 1, Week 1, Day 1.
Each unit is divided into two sections. Unit 1 is divided into the Launcher for Weeks 1-2 and Design Challenge for Weeks 3-7. Unit 2 is divided into Explore BID for Weeks 1-3 and the Design Challenge for Weeks 4-7. All lessons are available on this website and each has its own respective webpage. All documents, images, slides, and videos are linked within each day.
All hyperlinks to documents are view-only in Google Docs and can be shared to anyone with the link. Teachers may make a copy to edit the document. Lesson Plans and Student Handouts are also available in PDF format for download and may be converted to edit.
BID Warm-Up
BIRDEE Implementation Checklist
BIRDEE uses a number of technologies such as Padlet, Gmail and Govee for data collection. You may want to use these same technologies or substitute your own preferred technologies.