View Slides: 1.1.3. BID Inspiration
What is happening in these images?
What products could this inspire?
Class Discussion: on what students think
Play Video: Cleaner Shrimp Video (in slides)
Play Video: Dirty Job? A bug that cleans Hippos (in slides)
After identifying a problem, we must work to make sure we understand the problem (point to EDP Chart if printed out). This includes research to see if there are products that already address the problem and the needs of our user. These are called existing solutions. Engineers often analyze existing solutions 1) to understand how the current solutions work and 2) to understand if the existing solution is not fulfilling customer needs (and if so, why).
Today we will practice analyzing existing solutions to a variety of products using reverse engineering. Then, we will try to guess the requirements that the product was designed to fulfill. Requirements are a set of expectations our design/solution must have to make sure it fulfills the needs of the user and solves our problem.
Identifying requirements help us to make sure we understand the problem we are trying to solve so that we can actually solve the problem. Today we are going to practice deriving requirements from a variety of products before creating requirements for our “things that get dirty” problem tomorrow.
View Slides: 1.1.3. Discover the Requirements
Product Cards
View Slides: 1.1.3. Product Cards
Teacher Note: Students will work in groups to examine Product Cards and complete the 1.1.3. Requirements Analysis - Product Organizer
Who are the users? Where is the product used?
What function(s) does the product perform?
What are the performance metrics?
What are the specifications?
Now, your group will partner with another group to share individual products and requirements. Based on the comments of your peers, your team will revise your requirements.