Follow video instructions for safely using Neverwet: Neverwet Video Instructions
- Samples: felt, fabric, faux leather, denim, wood, metal, paint, plastic, cardboard, paper
- Mounting Materials (one per team): Mounting base (file folder, scrap cardboard), small poster board, 1” painter’s Tape, glue stick or low temp hot glue, stapler.
- Testing Liquids (needed for the next lesson): Water, Food-Colored Water/Dirt Water, Chocolate Syrup, coffee, hand sanitizer, packets of ketchup/mustard/soysauce
Teacher Note: All the activities and videos below are embedded in the 1.2.1. Lotus Leaf Slides, including today’s BID WOW!
View Slides: 1.2.1. Lotus Leaf Slides
- Class Discussion:
- Paper Lotus Leaf Experiment (Student Pairs)
- Class Discussion:
What is special about a Lotus Leaf?
Do you notice anything interesting in the images below?
You will work in pairs to test treated and non treated paper leaf samples with a cup of water.
What is your reaction to what happens?
Why do you think this happens?
The Lotus Effect
The Lotus Effect results from very small structures on the surface of the lotus leaf that make it a superhydrophobic surface that repels water.
Play Video: Zoom into Lotus Leaf
- Lotus Effect - How does it work?
- What are 3 features of the Lotus Effect?
- How does it keep the plant clean?
Play Video: Superhydrophobic Simulation
Play Video: Engineers Bounce Water
Class Discussion:
- How can the Lotus Effect be helpful for our dirty shoes problem?
- What else do we need to know about Neverwet if we want to use it for our dirty shoes problem?
Teacher Note: Neverwet is a coating that creates a superhydrophobic surface.
Benchtop Prototyping
We can learn more about the lotus effect with benchtop prototyping. Benchtop prototyping tests a critical function of an idea before a complete prototype of the entire solution is made and tested.
View Image: Catapult
Benchtop prototyping will allow us to test Neverwet on different surfaces and fabrics to make sure it works before making a complete prototype.
Now, we will prepare our samples for our benchtop prototyping test. Let’s first learn how to properly and safely apply Neverwet.
Play Video: Neverwet Experiment Video Instructions
Prepare Samples:
After watching the Neverwet Experiment Video, your group will do the following:
- Choose and assemble a mounting base (file folder, scrap cardboard or poster board).
- Write the names of all group members and class period on each base.
- Select 2-3 materials that relate to your group’s design idea.
- Mount the materials to the mounting base using a glue stick, hot glue, or stapler.
- Place a piece of Painters tape vertically on the left side of each sample. This will represent the uncoated area.
- When your teacher is ready, your group will go outside to prepare your samples with the first coat of Neverwet.
- Allow prepared samples to dry overnight.
Teacher Note: A Second coat of never wet should be applied 30 min AFTER the first coat. Depending on class schedules, this may be done by students or teachers.
(1 per student - 50% Prepped with Neverwet Clear Spray), Cups of water
(Should be cut into 5 x 7” rectangles). May include felt, fabric, faux leather, denim, wood, metal, paint, plastic, cardboard, paper. Students may also bring in their own samples that relate to their design, but should be advised that they will likely get stained.
Mounting base (file folder, scrap cardboard), small poster board, 1” painter’s Tape, glue stick or low temp hot glue, stapler.
Water, Food-Colored Water/Dirt Water, Chocolate Syrup, coffee, hand sanitizer, packets of ketchup/mustard/soysauce
Zoom into Lotus Leaf Superhydrophobic Simulation Engineers Bounce Water Neverwet Experiment Video Instructions