Unit 1 Essential Question
How can Biologically Inspired Design be used with the Engineering Design Process to create unique solutions to problems?
Week 6 Overview
Learning Objectives
Students will work in their groups to build their initial prototype.
Engage 5 min
View Slides: 1.6.1. BID WOW!
- This is a Namib Desert Beetle.
- Do you notice anything interesting?
- How does this look similar to the lotus leaf?
Class Discussion: on what students think.
Play Video: Beetle Collects Water (in slides)
Explore 40 min (Group)
Build your prototype following your conceptual design.
Students should take photos of all prototypes so they can add them to the EDPL.
Teacher Notes: Teachers should walk around and check in with groups to guide them as they build their prototype. Teachers can project the Cardboard Attachment Techniques image on the board.
Extend 5 min (Group)
Upload images of Prototype 1 to the “Prototype” tab in the EDPL.
Link your prototype to the conceptual design in “Ideate” that is the design you followed when building your prototype 1.
Download Lesson Plan
Student Handouts
Student Materials
Materials students bring in for their prototype:
Cardboard boxes
School Facilities: 3D Printers
Teacher Resources
Web Resources