View: Get out your Organism Profile and SFM. Form table groups based on the organism you researched.
Note: Can print tent cards or use sticky notes
View Organizer: 2.2.3. Biology 4-Box
Today we will Jigsaw again! But this time we will be sharing information in groups based on the same organism. In order to understand the biological system, you will work with your group to complete the Biology 4 Box. Each group will complete one handout, then take a photo and post it to Padlet.
View Organizer: 2.2.3 Biology 4-Box BLANK
Organism Presentations
Create a single presentation for your group under the name of your organism. As a group, decide who will be completing each task. You will upload/answer the following information:
Create a single presentation for your group under the name of your organism. As a group, decide who will be completing each task . You will upload/answer the following information:
- Organism Sketch
- Zoom-In Image
- SFM Image
- 4-Box Image
As a group, decide who will be completing each card.
Note: Only one person can edit a card at one time. Click on the ellipses on the card in order to edit. Make sure to keep your cards in the proper column (don't drag them). Use the slider bar to see all of the cards.
Teacher Note: Pull up the link to the class Padlet on the smartboard so you can view the posts in real time.
Guided Discussion:
A function can be accomplished by many different Mechanisms.
- What similarities did you notice in your organisms?
- In their structures?
- In their functions?
- In their mechanisms?
Each organism suctions and clamps slightly differently. Each has different structures and, therefore, different mechanisms to perform the function: either to suction or clamp. We will explore how these mechanisms have been interpreted by engineers at our next class.
Teacher Note: During the next class, the teacher will need to prepare Inquiry Stations in the classroom prior to students arriving in class. Complete directions for set up are included in the 2.2.1. Lesson.