Week 3 Learning Goals
Explore biomechanics of the human body
Week 3 Overview
Learning Objectives
Students will learn about biomechanics and how the hand works using muscles, tendons, and bones to create movement. Students will research the anatomy and complete a guided SFM analysis. Students will interact physically to identify movements that pertain to each muscle group in the hand.
Before the Lesson
Engage 5 min

Physical Connection

Complete the following exercises. Think about which muscles in your body you are using for each movement.

  1. Write your name on a piece of paper.
  2. Make a fist.
  3. Pinch.
  4. Grab a water bottle.
  5. Touch each finger with your thumb.
Explain 10 min

How does the Hand Work (Mini Lesson)

Independent: Today we will be learning about the hand.

  • What is the function of the hand? Grip, grasp and form precise movements, like writing and sewing.
  • How did you use your hands when building the Low Fi Mechanical Arm?
Explore 30 min (Pairs)

Guided Research and SFM Activity

Today you will work with your partner to complete research about the human hand. You will use 2.3.3. Human Hand Analysis SFM Organizer to guide your research efforts.

Resource Sandbox


Class Discussion 10 min

Students will compare and contrast the SFM of the arm to the SFM of the hand.

  • How is the structure of the hand and arm different?
  • How do the different structures of each help them perform their specific functions?

Teacher Note: The main difference between the hand and arm structures are the size of the bones, size of muscles, and number of bones/muscles. The arm muscles and bones are larger to be able to pick up larger objects (requires more force=larger muscle). The hand muscles and bones are smaller because they don’t need to be able to pick up large objects, but only smaller objects. Also, hands need smaller muscles to be able to perform precise movements. Hands have more muscles and bones because it allows them to perform a wider range of movements such as grasping, pinching, etc.

Student Handouts
Student Materials
Students will need access to a computer.
Instructional Slides & Materials
Teacher Resources
Web Resources