Week 7 Learning Goals
Prepare and Present
Week 7 Overview
Learning Objectives
Students will give a presentation on their design. Students will reflect on the unit and what they learned about BID.
Before the Lesson

Teachers will need to:

Explain/Engage/Evaluate 35 min (Student Presentation)

Now it is time for presentations! Every group will have time to present their final design and prototype. You have 2-3 minutes to present and then there will be a 2 min Q&A session where myself and your classmates can ask questions.

You should listen to every presentation because you are required to give feedback on each group's design. After the Q&A session, you will have two minutes to give both a Glow and Grow feedback to the presenters on their design and presentation. A Glow is something you thought the group did well. A Grow is something you think the group could improve upon.

View Image: 1.7.2. Padlet Image

You will do this on the 1.7.2. Presentation Padlet.There will be a column for each group so make sure you are posting in the correct column of the group you are giving feedback to.

Evaluate 15 min (Group)

Now you will review the Padlet feedback on your design solution from other students. You will select 3 “Grows” (each from a different reviewer) and discuss with your group how you could incorporate them into your design/design process.

Then, you will complete the 1.7.2. Reflection organizer reflecting on your project and what you learned about BID with your group.

Student Handouts
Student Materials
Teacher Resources
Web Resources